An exquisite 1964 scientific terrestrial Globe with Orrery (Tellurian) function by Replogle

An exquisite 1964 scientific terrestrial Globe with Orrery (Tellurian) function by Replogle
This fine 1964 instrument allows one to demonstrate the Analemma, rising and setting of the sun throughout the seasons with the sunrise - sunset indicator. Time zones can be reviewed and compared by utilizing the midnight and noon time indicator.
When rotating the very attractive metal blue disc embossed with seasons, zodiacs, months and constellations, the entire earth rotates and tilts, thus explaining the occurrence of seasons.
No matter if you are looking for an interesting display or a functional scientific instrument, this artifact will meet both desires.
Politically one can view the height of the Cold War, as Germany is clearly divided, showing the eastern part to be the soviet zone (1961). A divided Vietnam clearly identifies the existence of a conflict while Africa has new nations rising out of former colonies. No doubt this artifact represents a very intense era.
This globe is truly a fine artifact, to be studied for hours at a time, offering earth scientific demonstrations and political history all in one.
About the manufacture:
Replogle 1930 – 2010
Luther Replogle, a former sales rep for Weber Costello and Denoyer - Geppert, began making globes in his basement with imported British map gores. The breakthrough for his company occurred in 1932, when he obtained the contract to produce commutative globes for the World Fair in Chicago in 1933, distributed by Marshall Fields & Co.
In the 1950s, Reploge ventured out into producing a few very unique globes, such as the Surprise Globe, the Wonder World as well as a Magnetic Air Race Globe Game and the Quiz Globe. It was an attempt to expand sales into the toy market while competing with well known Children’s Tin Globe makers such as J.Chein and Ohio Art.
Eventually Replogle became one of the largest Globemakers in the world. Unfortunetly, the lesser demand in globes would make it difficult to survive. In 2010 the Herff Jones Corporation, which also owns Crams and Nystrom, aquired Replogle. The company still produces globes under its name but as a division of Herff Jones.
The 12 inch diameter orb itself is made of two hollow hemispheres of pasteboard. The orb is mounted via axis onto a movable metal disc, embossed and finished in blue, identifying seasons, days, months, zodiacs and constellations. The base is made of heavy metal with a non numeric full meridian attached, which identifies sunrise and sunset. A contraption is attached to the meridian, providing a noon time and midnight time indicator. Total height is approx.. 15.5 inches.
The globe is in very good condition, details are crisp, colors vivid. Age appropriate scuffing and wrinkles throughout the map. Base and meridian are in good condition, no corrosion or cracks but certainly minor scuffing and scratches throughout. All is functional and rotates smoothly.
The age of the Globe has been determined by the political borders displayed, which are as follows:
It’s post WW II, Germany has been divided (1961).
Middle East-Asia:
Ceylon has not yet changed to Sri Lanka (1972). Vietnam is divided.
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland has been dissolved and changed to Malawi and Zambia (1964) but South Rhodesia is still under British mandate (ended 1965).
Well packed, this artifact will ship for $18.00 domestic, $62.00 world wide.
$298 — Item : 414REPORRERY64
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