Brilliant 1950 's Space Age T.N Hubbard Celestial Globe / Orrery /Tellurian

Brilliant 1950 's Space Age T.N Hubbard Celestial Globe / Orrery /Tellurian
Celestial globes have been the means by which astronomers charted the heavens since ancient times. The first recorded solar eclipse was made by the Chinese in 2136 BC. Chinese observatories were built which date back hundreds of years prior to that. The oldest surviving celestial globe (1144 AD) is from the Islamic world and is currently located at the Louvre in Paris, France.
Today, we have apps like Vito Technology's Star Walk and Emerald Sequoia's Observatory to give us precise positions of all the heavenly bodies. Still, nothing compares to a celestial globe to give one the overall perspective of the heavens. Similar to an orrery or tellurian, this vintage scientific instrument will educate you on our stars and universe in a very fab mid century style!
This mod 1950’s celestial school globe by Hubbard provides visual reference to aid the astronomer' conception of Earth in space in a very retro style. View the celestial skies, constellations and zodiacs in a 3D format and space age style, out of the convenience of your home!
The 12 inch clear celestial Globe is mounted in a full horizon and meridian base, gimbal style with chrome finish. Inside is a 4" tin world globe (map representing the 1950s , colonies in Africa still visible, ceased to exist in 1960) that may be rotated independently. The meridian may be tilted to adjust the globe for latitude while the horizon ring indicates the actual horizon in relation to the point of observation on Earth. The little yellow ball represents the sun and can also be navigated. Total height is about 18 inches
Very well preserved, no cuts, splits or any other damages. Details are crisp, colors brilliant. Minor scuffing and slight yellowing to the clear orb, less than typical for the age. Minor pitting to the chrome meridian.
A fab piece, combining form and function, it is admired by the scientific mind as much as the artistic eye.
History of the manufacture:
The manufacturer, T.N. Hubbard Scientific Company of Northbrook, Illinois, was a supplier of school and educational scientific instruments, maps and books from the mid to late 20th century. Registration of the company are noted in the library of Congress as early as 1954 and 75, when it became part of Spectrum Industries. The globe on the tellurian was manufactured by J. Chein Company, a toy company and producer of globe. Hubbard products are still available today but no where offer the detail or fine design of its yesteryears.
$385 814HUBCEL50
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