1988 Starship Earth II celestial Sphere by Artline (Spherical Concepts) with original documents

1988 Starship Earth II celestial Sphere by Artline (Spherical Concepts) with original documents
The impressive transparent sixteen-inch diameter outer sphere of the Starship Earth II displays updated and improved data from Sky Catalogue 2000.0, all eighty-eight constellations and more than 1,100 naked-eye stars, plus many prominent deep-sky objects against a precision grid of Right Ascension and Declination lines. The Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds are shown in a wispy translucent blue, and deep sky objects are keyed to type. They're all accurately hand silk-screened on the sphere's interior surface for long lasting protection. Stars are identified by name, Greek letter designations, brightness, from first to fifth magnitude, and distance from the earth in light years. The outer sphere also highlights astral equivalents used to locate stars. An easy three-step setting allows you to reproduce the Earth, Sun, and star movements for any time, date, and location in the world.
Understand more about how the Sun rises and sets, and how the seasons change; surrounding the five-inch diameter inner Earthsphere is a fully adjustable horizon ring to help you visualize the horizon for any location on the planet.
Hand crafted of museum-quality acrylic, this sixteen-inch sphere rests on a sculptured acrylic stand and has a total height of about 19 inches.
We have includes a forty-eight page facsimile instruction book featuring new constellation, first magnitude star, double and multiple star, and deep-sky showpiece tables, along with an activity section, written by the internationally renowned astronomy expert George Lovi.
Individually hand crafted, these artifacts are no longer produced. Originally sold for about $900, these globes were not only exquisite teaching instruments but beautiful pieces of art.
This sphere is well preserved with minor scuffing in some areas. Colors are bold and details extremely crisp.
History of the Globe maker:
Spherical Concepts, Inc. (SCI) was founded in 1981, by John Szal and Mark Buikema. John Szal continues to serve as the Founder and C.E.O. The process for producing acrylic globes is the same as the process that was used for blowing B52 Bomber covers. The originator of the acrylic globe concept, Robert Farquhar, wanted a better way to teach kids about the geo-political relationships of the world. See-through oceans allowed a "clearer view" of the planet. This also led to the development of astronomy products. The use of clear material allows a true representation of how we actually see the stars overhead, instead of the mirror-reverse image necessary when using opaque materials. Starting with one product and one customer, the Artline product line continued to grow and develop over 130 different models.
In 1995, SCI expanded marketing efforts by partnering with the premier reference globe producer in the world, Columbus Globes, for distribution of the Artline product line in Europe. In 1997, the National Geographic Society, selected Spherical Concepts and Columbus Globes to create a three-way partnership to develop a new line of reference globes, and Spherical Concepts was awarded the world-wide license to manufacture and distribute National Geographic Globes.
Sadly, the company no longer exists. In 2007 the Herff Jones Corporation acquired Spherical Concepts. The once artisan, hand made individual pieces of art became mass produced objects.
On May 26, 2011 Herff Jones Inc., closed the Spherical Concepts Inc., manufacturing facility. Once the remaining inventory was sold, the Artline and Sperhical Concepts brands was terminated.
This is a rare opportunity to obtain a spectacular vintage scientific instrument, created by a small US company that produced only the most refined, highest quality models...one starship at a time.
Carefully packed, this artifact will ship for $48.00 domestic, $98.00 world wide.
$495 — Item : CW215ART88
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