Iconic 1969 Lunar Globe by Denoyer-Geppert

Iconic 1969 Lunar Globe by Denoyer-Geppert
This Lunar Globe, based on Apollo 10 photography was the first to offer accurate and complete cartography of the Moon’s surface. A true artifact of the Space Age era, this particular model documents one of the greatest achievements of Human kind: Apollo 11 landing on the Moon and the follow -up by Apollo 12. Offering important History in a mid century modern design, this dominant Lunar model merges form and function at its best.
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This rare and unique icon of the “Space Race” was one of the first American produced globes exhibiting complete cartography of the far side of the moon. The Russian Luna 3 probe in 1959 sent to Earth the first pictures of the unknown dark side of the moon. These images were the template for a Russian lunar globe (26cm) in 1961 and a German version by Rath Globen (33cm) in 1963, giving the Russians a clear lead in the “Space Race”. It wasn’t until 1969 that the Americans in a race to the moon would launch Apollo 10 in a dry run for an actual moon landing, providing the world with color transmissions of remarkable quality and spectacular views of the Earth and Moon. It was with these transmissions and hundreds of still photographs from both Apollo 8 (first manned craft to orbit the moon) and 10 (closest approach to the lunar surface) that NASA tasked the Lowell Observatory lunar mapping facility division in a culmination of its work, to produce 12 complete and geographically accurate lunar map gores. These were subsequently used by Denoyer-Geppert in recognition of the Apollo 10 Manned Space Flight in creating the 16in. Lunar Globes for NASA.
This globe dates the Apollo 11 and 12 moon landing sites. Naming of any far side prominent landscape features are present as named by the USA as well as the USSR. The international Astronomical Union later assumed the role of naming lunar features in this hemisphere although many of the Soviet names were left intact. Galileo was responsible for naming the major features on the near side, naming the dark smooth areas maria (latin for seas) ie: Mare Tranquilitatis or Sea of Tranquility, the site of the Apollo 11 landing. These and many other historical names are are identified on the globe.
For NASA image of this globe goto www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/images/content/118699main_moon_globe_3008x1960.jpg
A 16in. metal orb with 12 hand papered gores with a brass ferule and brass horizon ring. The globe is mounted on a half rod allowing it to be liberated and remounted on either axis for closer scrutiny. The metal base is done in a faux wood. The total height is 21in.
The condition of the globe is very good. No scuffing or map loss. There is some discoloration between map gores. The map is crisp and the entire orb has a beautiful patina. The brass Ferule and Horizon Ring do show scattered pitting and oxidation. Also, the top nut appears to be frozen, so the globe can only be unmounted from below. The base carries the original sticker from Denoyer Geppert along with two separate labels from Lake Michigan College.
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$1895 — Item #: 916DGLUNAR69