Mid Century Weber Costello Black Oceans Globe

Mid Century Weber Costello Black Oceans Globe
12” Black Oceans Costello Featuring A Full Gimbal Mounting c1957
A fine and well preserved globe, displaying clean lines within its mounting as well as the font style used in the lettering. The chrome finish combined with the black oceans and vivid colored lands provides a dramatic display in any setting. A classic Weber Costello and a staple of any globe collection.
The orb is made of pasteboard, offering black oceans instead of the more common blue-green. The full meridian and base are made of metal with a chrome finish. Total height approx 16", 12" diameter. Very good condition and even the equator tape is complete.
The age of the globe has been identified by the political borders displayed: Israel has replaced Palestine, Korea not yet shown to be divided. Ghana rather than Gold Coast. Anglo Egypt Sudan has changed to Sudan.
Item 0320WCBLK57