Pre WW2 Globe Clock with Short Wave Radio Stations and patent document

Pre WW2 Globe Clock with Short Wave Radio Stations and patent document
This 1936 model with functional clock offers interest in style as well as content.
The mounting of the base consists of a band –style clock, which rotates horizontally and identifies time worldwide. Important global cities (as of c 1936) are noted around the clock.
Call letters of short wave radio stations are identified on the clock (next to cities) and on the map of the globe (radio towers).
Shortwave communications began to grow rapidly in the 1920s, similar to the internet in the late 20th century. By 1928, more than half of long distance communications had moved from transoceanic cables and long wave wireless services to shortwave and the overall volume of transoceanic shortwave communications had vastly increased.
Radio amateurs conducted the first successful transatlantic tests. In December 1921, operating in the 200 meter medium wave band (1500 kHz)—the shortest wavelength then available to amateurs. In 1922 hundreds of North American amateurs were heard in Europe at 200 meters and at least 20 North American amateurs heard amateur signals from Europe. (
With the popularity of Short Wave Radio it was not long before Replogle realized it was viable to document SWR call letters on some of its terrestrial globes, including this model.
As Governments used SWR as a Propaganda tool before and during WW2, the demand for these globes rose even more.
Without a doubt this object documents history.
With this fine model you will also receive a copy of the original patent request (and approval) for this unique base, dated 1936.
Political borders define a pre WW2 era, Persia has just changed to Iran (1935), and Germany has yet to annex Austria (1938).
The artifact is in very good condition, minimal age appropriate wear; clock is functional (and very loud!). Diameter of the globe is 10 inches with a total height of 14.5 inches.
$745 — Item #: 01REPCLOCK36 - SOLD
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