A handsome 1932 Hammonds 9 inch terrestrial Globe

A handsome 1932 Hammonds 9 inch terrestrial Globe
This fine artifact combines the best of form and function. Politically displaying the history of the great Depression, visually sharing the classic American design of the 1930s.
Politically one can view the post WW1 political borders in Europe based on the treaty of Versailles as the Japanese Empire has begun to stretch and conquer areas of China.
Nevertheless it is the refined Bakelite base that will ensure this masterpiece to be a conversation starter.
This artifact is more than just a piece of political history, it also it also documents the era of innovation and fine design.
About the manufacture:
Founded by Caleb Stillson Hammond in 1900, and formally incorporated in 1901, the company has been known over much of its history as C.S. Hammond & Co. Unlike most globe manufacturing in the United States, which was centered in Chicago at the beginning of the 20th century, C.S. Hammond began work in New York City.
Hammond is well-known for its extensive line of world, historical, school and thematic atlases and globes, but the company has issued a wide variety of other cartographic items, including maps and transparencies during the last 100 years. It has also printed numerous other works, primarily for the educational market. In addition to its own imprints, Hammond's cartographic output has been included in the encyclopedias, almanacs, dictionaries, Bibles and textbooks of many other publishers.
However, in addition to manufacturing their own globes, they used both W.& A.K. Johnston and Chicago gores with a Hammond label over the original cartouche.
In its heyday in the early 1960s, Hammond employed 120 draftsmen, artists and researchers at its comfortable, paneled offices an easy walk from the quaint Maplewood village center.
Now the maps are reproduced by a half-dozen computer technicians at a generic office complex in Springfield (and reviewers say the quality of the maps remains high). The only person left who remembers Hammond of the old days is an elderly secretary. There is still a Hammond World Atlas Corp., but the company is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Langenscheidt Publishing Group, a German publishing behemoth whose other acquisitions include Hagstrom Maps, American Map Corp., Berlitz and the World Almanac.
The 9 inch diameter sphere itself is covered by 12 individual, hand applied paper gores, representing the world of c 1932. The orb is mounted into a non numeric, hollow half meridian, which is attached to an elegant deco influenced Bakelite base.
Bold colored lands complement a teal ocean. Principal steamship routes with distance in nautical miles are shown in addition to political borders and capitols. Total height is 12 inches.
Overall well preserved. Colors are rich, details crisp. The base is exceptionally well preserved, no cracks or chips.
Some brown spotting to the map throughout, please see pictures for details.
The age of the artifact is based on political borders displayed, which are as follows:
Europe is shown in post WW1 borders. Former Constantinople has become Istanbul (1930). The Japanese Empire has invaded Manchuria in China (1931). The state of Central Australia is no longer visible (1926-1931).
Well packed, this globe ships via priority mail for $15 domestic, $45 worldwide.
$299 — Item #: 0213HAMBAK32 - SOLD
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