Vintage Tin Toy Globe from Japan

Vintage Tin Toy Globe from Japan
I love these small toy globes! In addition to the great graphics and overall aesthetics, they are the perfect size to the fill the gaps between your larger globes!
This globe is labeled "Made in Japan" but does not have any company markings or logos. The map has minimal detail in the land masses but it does feature ocean currents which make it look more complete.
The age of the globe is a little hard to pinpoint as there are few cities or countries labeled. My best guess is that it dates to around 1925 as Leningrad (1924) is shown but the country is still identified as Russia and not USSR (1926).
The orb is made of hollow spun tin with a lithographed map. It sits on a bent wire frame. Diameter of the orb is about 2.5 inches with a total height (including base) of 3.75 inches.
The globe is in excellent condition with very minor markings; colors are brilliant and the text is sharp.
Well packed, this artifact will ship domestic for $9.00, international shipping is $18.00.
SOLD $95 - Item # 1017JPNTINGLB
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