A handsome 1931 Hammond’s Terrestrial Globe complete with an exceptionally detailed and interesting Atlas and Handbook

A handsome 1931 Hammond’s Terrestrial Globe complete with an exceptionally detailed and interesting Atlas and Handbook
Not often are we able to offer a complete set as this one; A Globe with the perfect Vintage look, handsome wooden base and a beautiful gold embossed Atlas. It’s content is a historic treasure itself, offering not just traditional maps of the world as of 1931 but individual pages dedicated to global aviation routes, national gross domestic product , railways and much more. This Atlas has captured the world of trade and traffic as of 1931.
This fine 9 inch diameter sphere is mounted into a cast metal meridian, finished in copper accents. It is cradled in a walnut base of which it can be removed from.
The orb itself consists of plaster and pasteboard, with 12 individual, hand applied paper gores. There is a old repair of a hairline crack around the equator visible, Otherwise only minor scuffing. The perfectly aged patina provides the classic warm, golden look one hopes to find in a vintage globe.
The artifact has a very handsome, masculine presence.
Total height is about 13.5 inches with a width of 7.5 inches x 11 inches.
A fine piece for any historian with specific interest in aviation or global economy.
About the manufacture:
C.S. Hammond & Co. 1900 - current New York, Brooklyn & Boston
Founded by Caleb Stillson Hammond in 1900, and formally incorporated in 1901, the company has been known over much of its history as C.S. Hammond & Co. Unlike most globe manufacturing in the United States, which was centered in Chicago at the beginning of the 20th century, C.S. Hammond began work in New York City.
Hammonds is well-known for its extensive line of world, historical, school and thematic atlases and globes, but the company has issued a wide variety of other cartographic items, including maps and transparencies during the last 100 years. It has also printed numerous other works, primarily for the educational market. In addition to its own imprints, Hammond's cartographic output has been included in the encyclopedias, almanacs, dictionaries, Bibles and textbooks of many other publishers.
However, in addition to manufacturing their own globes, they used both W.& A.K. Johnston and Chicago gores with a Hammond label over the original cartouche.
In its heyday in the early 1960s, Hammond employed 120 draftsmen, artists and researchers at its comfortable, paneled offices an easy walk from the quaint Maplewood village center.
Now the maps are reproduced by a half-dozen computer technicians at a generic office complex in Springfield (and reviewers say the quality of the maps remains high). The only person left who remembers Hammond of the old days is an elderly secretary.
There is still a Hammond World Atlas Corp., but the company is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Langenscheidt Publishing Group, a German publishing behemoth whose other acquisitions include Hagstrom Maps, American Map Corp., Berlitz and the World Almanac.
$395 — Item #: 312HAM931 - SOLD
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