A fine c 1925 Political terrestrial Globe by Paul Räeths of Leipzig, Germany for the V.d.B.

A fine c 1925 Political terrestrial Globe by Paul Räeths of Leipzig, Germany for the V.d.B.
This handsome and quite dominant artifact document important history of an era long gone. A fine baluster turned and ebonized fruitwood base holds the world of c 1925, at the height of the roaring 20's.
Turkey is still documented as an ( Ottoman) Empire, with the mysterious Constantinople as its capitol. By 1930 the name of this cultural metropolis became what we know as Istanbul.
Petrograd has changed to Leningrad (1924); however Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are identified as individual countries. The Russian Empire is still documented instead of USSR. In spite of the treaty of Versailles German Colonies, including German East Africa still appear to be under German Control.
The prolific map making skills of which Raeths was known and respected for are evident throughout the map. Trans-continental trade and traffic routes are not just documented but identify the popularity of each route by size. In addition once can view train and caravan travel routes, underwater cable connecting the continents, ocean currents and more.
Produced by Räths for the Volksverband der Bücherfreunde ( National Club of friends of books-book club) and sold by Wegweiser Verlag (Publisher) in Berlin, Germany.
If you are looking for a conversation starter, this sophisticated artifact will do so. Its dominant size combined with an elegant, exceptionally rare mount and exquisite history will make a statement in any setting.
12 individual, hand applied paper gores and two callotes cover the 14 inch diameter sphere, making up a map of 1925. The orb is mounted into a brass finished and numeric stamped half meridian. The fruitwood base consist of an elegant, baluster turned and ebonized fruitwood base with scalloped accent. Total height of this artifact is 26 inches.
Overall well preserved and clean, details are crisp, colors vivid. The shellac has aged and provides the perfect warm, vintage look. Some scuffing throughout. The meridian is in good condition but the bottom finial must have gotten lost over the last 95 years and has been replaced by a standard nut.The base shows a little wear to the finish.
This rare model offer exquisite beauty and magnificent history. A feast for the eyes and the mind alike.
Well packed, this artifact will ship domestic for $29.00, please inquire for international rates.
$445 — Item #: 615RATH25
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