An exquisit Art Deco style terrestrial Globe with Atlas

An exquisit Art Deco style terrestrial Globe with Atlas
Striking in style, clean streamline features and the absence of tradition ornamental features distinguish this piece to be a fine representation of the Art Deco - Machine Age movement.
The model is identified as “Hercules” by an original Replogle advertisement.A facsimile of the advertisement will be included with purchase. Two masculine statues with strong deco - machine age features are holding sphere and meridian in place. This globe is not only a vintage scientific instrument but also undeniably a fine piece of Art.
Born out of the Art Nouveau style, Art Deco made its presence known at the Paris World Fair in 1925. Popularized by Poster Artist like Cheret and Henri Toulouse-Lautrec (famous Moulin Rouge posters), the style was now introduced to a global audience. Used in many mediums, from paint to architecture, jewelery and fashion, Art Deco turned everyday objects into of the finest pieces of art. May it be Rockefeller Center, designed by Raymond Hood, Railway Poster advertisement by Leslie Ragan or John Atherons 1939 NYC World’s Fair Poster, the influence is un-deniable. Covers of Harpers Bazaar magazines and Jewelery designed by Raymond Templier, Jean and Fouquet are now valued collectables.
This remarkable Globe by Replogle is no different. A superb piece for history fans and Deco- Machine Age collectors alike.
With the globe you will also receive the accompanied Atlas. Even though the Atlas is original with the globe,there is a difference in content. The Globe displays the political year 1936, the atlas however was printed in 1942. Not uncommon at the time and a benefit to you as you are able to view the world pre WW2 on the Globe but the height of WW2 within the pages of the Atlas. One may consider this a complete history of WW2 packaged within this exquisite Globe and handsome atlas.
The orb itself is made of plaster,covered with 12 individual, hand applied paper gores representing the map and mounted into a full meridian. Hercules statues made of cast iron, complimenting the walnut (according to the advertisement) stained base. Diameter of the globe itself is 12 inches with a total height of 18.5 inches.
Dimensions of the base: 9.5x 16 x 2.5 inches.
The Globe is in fine condition,minimal wear in form of soiling, wrinkles, rubbing or scuffing. Colors are vivid, details crisp. The mounting is in very good condition.
The age of the Globe has been determined by the political borders displayed:
Europe is shown in pre WWII borders. Persia has changed to Iran; Ethiopia is shown to be under Italian control (1936-41)
$525 — Item #: 712REPHERC36 - SOLD
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