A sophisticated 1930 terrestrial Globe with ornate Art Nouveau details

A sophisticated 1930 terrestrial Globe with ornate Art Nouveau details
This artifact is an heirloom for generations to come, allowing traveling the world of History and Geography with your fingertip.
Review the world of 1930, an era of despair, wedged between WW1 and WW2. Constantinople is also shown in its new name Istanbul (1930) while the short lived state of Central Australia is also presented (1926-31). The Russian Revolution is also well documented as Leningrad is visible.
Covered with 12 individual paper gores, the plaster orb has a diameter of 12 inches and a total width (including horizon ring) of 17 inches. This master piece stands about 23 inches tall.
The map is overall well preserved with minor flaws in form of soiling and scuffing. A perfectly aged patina provides crisp details and warm coloring of the lands. The wooden horizon ring is well preserved but there is some loss to the finish of its paper . A well preserved and sophisticated cast iron base offers ornate Art Nouveau- Victorian details.
A fine artifact and conversation starter, this original piece of history will demand attention in any setting!
Secure, domestic shipping will be $25.00. Please inquire for international shipping.
$695 — Item #: 812RMcNHOR30 - SOLD
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