Handsome 1930 Suspension School Globe with rare display of Chaco conflict and Advert

Handsome 1930 Suspension School Globe with rare display of Chaco conflict and Advert
This spectacular classroom artifact is a piece of history demanding attention wherever displayed. The globe would be suspended from the ceiling and elevated through a pulley system. . Rarely obtainable, this model is complete with pulley system and lead counterweight, which represents the moon.
We are also able to provide a facsimile advertisement, identifying the structural arrangement so it can be replicated. A perfect addition to complete an aficionado’s collection!
Elegant display in style as well as substance, this 1930 terrestrial globe by Rand McNally offers a perfectly aged map. Which consists of individual, hand applied paper gores over a plaster orb. Politically one can study the Era of 1930, as the Great Depression consumes the Western World and Economies.
The mysterious city of Constantinople is also shown in its new name Istanbul. A post WW1 Europe identifies the effects of the treaty of Versailles, while Australia displays the short lived state of Central Australia (1926-31). Manchuria is shown pre Japanese occupation (1931-45).
Interestingly, the map identifies an area of dispute between Paraguay and Bolivia, later known as the Chaco War.
This is an exceptionally rare display, not to be found commonly on terrestrial spheres of its time. Hostile incidents began as early as 1928 over the Chaco Boreal, a wilderness region of about 100,000 square miles (259,000 square km) north of the Pilcomayo River and west of the Paraguay River that forms part of the Gran Chaco. The conflict stemmed from the outcome of the War of the Pacific (1879–84), in which Chile defeated Bolivia and annexed that country’s entire coastal region. Thereafter, Bolivia attempted to break out of its landlocked situation through the Río de La Plata system to the Atlantic coast; athwart that route lay the Gran Chaco, which the Bolivians thought had large oil reserves.
On Dec. 5, 1928, Paraguay initiated a series of clashes, which led to full-scale war. Both belligerents moved more troops into the Chaco, and by 1932 war was under way. Bolivians seized Paraguayan positions in the northern Chaco and launched a successful attack in the central Chaco against Fortín Boquerón. In August Paraguay ordered mobilization and sent forces against Fortín Boquerón, which fell at the end of September. Bolivia concentrated its south to attack Fortín Nanawa, fighting for several months.
Paraguay formally declared war on May 10, 1933, launching a series of attacks along an extended front late in October,making impressive gains. At the end of a three-week truce, Paraguay (Jan. 9, 1934) attacked the Bolivian post of Ballivián, which fell on November 17. Paraguay’s advance continued into indisputably Bolivian territory in January 1935. After Bolivian counterattacks put Paraguayan forces on the defensive, a truce was arranged on June 12, 1935. About 100,000 men lost their lives in the war. A peace treaty was arranged by the Chaco Peace Conference, which included Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, and the United States. It was signed in Buenos Aires on July 21, 1938. Paraguay gained clear title to most of the disputed region, but Bolivia was given a corridor to the Paraguay River and a port (Puerto Casado).
Ref. Britannica
Identifying this conflict on an American globe is a rare delight for any historian, especially one that may have a special interest in South American History.
The 12 inch plaster orb is covered by 12 hand applied paper gores, mounted into a full meridian, made of cast iron. Attached is part of the suspension system, which also consists of 2 additional casters and a lead counter weight, representing the moon.
Extremely well preserved, very clean. Colors are rich, details crisp. Minor soiling, rubbing and one area with old repair.
Well packed, this globe will ship domestic for $25.00, $69.00 international ( most countries).
$459 SKU # 815RANDCHACO30
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