1927 Geographic Educator Puzzle Globe Rare & Complete

1927 Geographic Educator Puzzle Globe Rare & Complete
A fine 1927 Geographic Educator Puzzle Globe complete with all countries and continents.
If you are looking for the unique and rarely obtainable, this object is for you. Advertised by the manufacture as the “Invention of the Century” this world is literary in pieces.
The globe consists of 7 horizontal sections. When taken apart, each section represents a continent containing puzzle pieces in various colors of Bakelite with raised letters. Most pieces represent countries; some are regions (as of 1927). All pieces are present; this is a rarely obtainable complete set. When assembled, the orb has a six inch diameter. Including the cast iron tripod base, the artifact is 10.5 inches tall.
The outside is covered 12 paper gores, severed by each disc. Some wear and repairs to the map are visible. All has a golden patina. Details are very crisp. The cartouche offers a copyright of 1927.
A facsimile copy of the original advertisement will be provided with the globe.
Even with extensive research, very little information can be found about the manufacture, the Geographic Educator Corporation. Located in Long Island City, NY, the company offered the globe through magazine and newspaper advertisement, calling it “the invention of the century”. The well engineered globe however was quite expensive at $7.50, only affordable to the well established. More likely this is the reason for the company to fold quickly after the market crash of 1929, followed by the Great Depression.
Produced for only two years, this master piece is the highlight of any globe collection, if not for its rarity, certainly for being a complete set.
Well packed, this artifact will ship domestic for $20.00, international for $60.00
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