Illuminated Glass Globe on Rare Replogle Base

Illuminated Glass Globe on Rare Replogle Base
With its superb American Modern base, this globe is not only a vintage scientific instrument but also undeniably a fine piece of Art. Electric illuminated glass globes were produced for only a short period, from the late 1920’s to the late 1950’s, when economically more affordable and less labor intensive plastic replaced the glass globes with hand mounted paper gores. However, within that short period some of the most spectacular globe models had been produced, including this one. The same model can be found at the Vienna Globe museum, part of the National Library of Austria. Illuminated glass globes provide an exceptional, inviting warm glow that no plastic globe of today can imitate. The perfectly aged patina of this model provides a superb “vintage” look. One may consider this to be a great opportunity to obtain a true museum artifact.
Description: The orb itself is made of hand blown glass, covered with 12 individual paper gores applied by hand, representing the map. Mounted into a base made of cast iron (or pot metal) with brass accents. The half meridian and base are one piece and offer art deco accents. Diameter of the globe is 10 inches, with a total height of about 13 inches.
Condition: Exceptionally well maintained with only one small hole on the map. There is one other spot where the paper is thin but not worn through. Please see photos for a more complete understanding. No cracks or chips. Lighting is functional and a modern twisted cloth cord has been added as well.
The age of the orb is based on political borders displayed, which are as follows: Europe is shown just before the outbreak of WW2. Germany has annexed Austria (1938) but not Bohemia or Poland (1939). Persia has already changed to Iran (1935) and Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are still independent countries (Annexed by Russia in 1940).
Item #: 0320RILLMACH38