1967 dated Space Age Denoyer-Geppert terrestrial Globe with Satellite Demonstrator

1967 dated Space Age Denoyer-Geppert terrestrial Globe with Satellite Demonstrator
A bold mid-century modern statement
This 16 inch physical-political Denoyer-Geppert School Globe from is a fantastic example of the mid-century modern - eames design style, combined with outstanding craftsmanship. Majestic in size, bold in design and highlighting the Space Age Era, this globe will be quite a conversation starter!
The model consists of a Cartocraft globe attached to the “Vanguard Satellite Demonstrator" mounting. The moveable ring of this model was to demonstrate the orbit a satellite might take around the earth. It could also function as a normal horizon ring. Invented and patented by Keith Olson in the late '50s, a long time employee and very forward thinking creator of many Denoyer-Geppert globe products.
Even though no longer perfect (it was indeed a school globe) this model is still very interesting, politically highlighting the Cold War timeline, as Germany is shown divided into East and West The cartouche has an actual print date of 1967.
Unfortunately there are not very many of these wonderfully crafted Globes around anymore, which in our opinion are some of the finest and most under-appreciated pieces.
With this auction we will also include a copy of the original catalog advertisement for this model, which identifies the globe as:
Project Vanguard is the designation for the vast, world wide scientific research program of which the international Geophysical year was a highlight. Included in the project are studies of cosmic radiation, magnetism, world wide climate, dimensions of earth and its land areas, and the layers of earth surrounding earth. It is with this background in mind that this new mount was termed the Vanguard. The name has also been applied to certain U.S. Space Vehicles
About the manufacture:
Created in 1916 by Otto E. Geppert and L. Phillip Denoyer, former employees of the US branch by W. & A.K.Johston of England (Nystrom), the manufacture specialized in school globes, but did offer from time to time models for the home. The company ceased to exist as a Globe manufacture in the 80’s when Rand McNally purchased its assets. Today the remaining part is called the Denoyer-Geppert Science Co and produces human anatomy teaching models.
This model is a 16” Cartocraft Physical Political Globe, edited by C.B. Odell. The map displays political borders as well as elevation. Capitols of each country are identified. The Horizon Ring is movable, made of wood with an overlay of veneer, which is printed. The base is also made of solid wood. The entire Globe and meridian can be removed from the base. The connecting metal dowel can be placed onto the base in two different positions. The globe is made of molded fiberboard with a lacquer finish. Height of this globe is 22.5 inches, total diameter, including horizon ring, is 21 inches! This is a very large globe!
The Globe is in good condition, considering it being a school globe. There is soiling and scuffing throughout but no loss of paper. Colors are rich and warm, details are crisp. The mounting is also in very good condition, with little wear. The metal does have some minor corrosion and requires polishing. Adhesive residue is visible on the base
The cartouche identifies a print date of 1967, political borders are displayed as follows:
It is high noon of the Cold War Era! Germany has been divided into East and West. With this Globe displaying the Cold War Era you can still locate countries like Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Russia carries the name USSR with countries like Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia being part of it. Today these countries are independent.
Israel has replaced Palestine (1948). Korea has been divided into North and South (1953). Indochina has ceased to exist and is displayed as Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
Ceylon is still visible instead of Sri Lanka (1972).
In Africa on can still view Rhodesia in stead of Zimbabwe and South West Africa instead of Namibia among other.
This fine artifact will ship well packed for $35 domestic, $69 international.
$395 — Item #: 513DGVANG1667
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