1940 German WW2 Globe by Reimers with dated cartouche Exceptionally Rare

1940 German WW2 Globe by Reimers with dated cartouche Exceptionally Rare
Dietrich Reimers was one of the most prolific German Globe makers of the 19th and early 20th century.
The typical German attribute of attention to detail and refined map making skills are clearly demonstrated on this model.
The rich, well preserved colors of this model provide are complemented by a masculine solid oak base. This is quite a handsome piece, dominant in size and display.
This terrestrial Globe represents the political borders as the German Regime envisioned it in 1940, though not quite reality.
Once Hitler came to power in Germany, he chose not to recognize the Treaty of Versailles, in which Germany had to give up Colonies in Africa after loosing World War 1.
Therefore, this model displays the Colonies lost in 1918 as part of the German Reich in 1940 but does mention to be under British Mandate.
It is not typical for terrestrial globes to be dated. However, during WW2 it was a preferred propaganda tool, showing the advancement of German troops. The manufacturing date is identified on the cartouche.
Post WW1 and until the manufacturing facilities during WW2, Reimers produced terrestrial Globes for Andrews & Steiner of England). We are delighted to offer one of those difficult to obtain terrestrial spheres in this auction.
In 1999 the same model but different year (1935 but not shown on cartouche) was offered at Christie’s South Kensington (London) for an appraised value of 920-1200 Euros, which comes to about $1200-$1600 USD (June 23rd 1999, lot 84).
Enjoy making this sophisticated model part of your collection!
About the manufacture:
Dietrich Reimers Verlag 1845 – 1960’s Berlin
Dietrich Reimer started his company in 1845 and began to produce globes in 1852 by taking over the globe manufacture Adami in 1852. Adami (1802-1874) continued to work for Reimer as a mapmaker. Kiepert took over his position and continued improving and producing Adami models. H.A. Hoefer became co owner of the company for a brief period (1868-95) and after Reimers left due to age, E. Vohesen ( 1853-1919) oversaw production. After his death the company became a public traded corporation. In addition to their own Globes, the Dietrich Reimers Verlag also produced models for Andrews and Steiner between WW1 and up until the later part of WW2, when the manufacturing facilities were completely destroyed (1944). The company was re-built in 1951 but never quite made it back to its supreme position in the globe market. After having created a vast variety of globes, from the early relief models, Induction, terrestrial and celestial globes, the Dietrich Reimer Verlag closed its doors for good sometime in the early 1960’s.
The Globe is made of fiberboard, covered with 12 individual paper gores and two polar calottes representing the mapping. All language on the Globe is in German. The legend is very detailed, identifying steamship routes including traveling distance from port to port. Also shown are under water cable lines, ocean currents, wind drift, train and international flight routes.
The 13 inch diameter globe is attached to a solid oak half meridian with a gilded overlay identifying graduated degrees. All is attached to a solid oak rectangular base.
Diameter of the globe is about 14 inches with a total height of 17 inches.
This is a very massive and heavy globe!
The Globe is in good condition. The map has minor wear in form of soiling and rubbing. Colors are well conserved, details are very crisp. The Base is also in good condition, no cracks or splits and rich in finish. The gilded part of the meridian has partially flaked off.
Please see pictures for details.
Some of the political borders are displayed as follows:
Germany is identified as the German Empire, showing the area of Poland, Austria and partial Czechoslovakia as part of the Empire instead. Istanbul in Turkey is also shown in its old name Konstantinople.
Middle East-Asia:
Persia is visible. India is named British India; Saudi Arabia is visible as Arabia only. Tenna Tuva is shown as an independent Nation as is Tibet. Manchuria is under Japanese occupation and re-named Manchukuo (1932-45). Micronesia is shown under Japanese control
German East and South-West African colonies are visible but shown to be under British mandate. Germany had to surrender these colonies after WW1 as a part of the treaty of Versailles.
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Belgian Congo, French West and Equatorial Africa are visible in addition to French, British and Italian Somaliland.
Well packed, this artifact will ship for $35.00 domestic $75.00 international.
$625 — Item #: 1114REIMOAK40
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