1930 Art Nouveau styled Rand McNally terrestrial Globe of the Great Depression Era

1930 Art Nouveau styled Rand McNally terrestrial Globe of the Great Depression Era
A fine example of superb craftsmanship, this model offers an exceptional, heavy cast-iron base with ornate Art Nouveau details and brass accents. The warm colorings of the Globe provide a sophisticated display of an era long gone. Fine details of the mapping ensures for hours of interesting studies! With this fine artifact you will also receive a copy of the original catalog advertisement for this model.
About the manufacture
Rand McNally & Co. (1856 [1880 globe production] – current), Chicago
William Rand opened his first print shop in 1856, hired McNally, an Irish immigrant, in 1858. In 1868, the two established a partnership and the name Rand McNally & Co. As a print shop they produced the newspaper for the Chicago Tribune as well as timetables, travel guides and tickets for the fast growing railroad industry. In 1872, the company pioneered cerography, an innovative wax-engraving print technique that made it possible to follow world changes in print quickly and more economically. As a result, even though they did not make globes themselves until 1880, by the end of the late 1800s Rand McNally were producing globe gores not just for their own models, but for many of the other Chicago Globe makers.
The 8 inch diameter globe itself is covered with 12 individual paper gores over a plaster orb. It is mounted into a full meridian which sits in the fork of the cast iron base. The base offers very ornate details and has brass accents. Total height is about 16 inches.
The sphere is in good condition with a superbly aged patina and wonderful warm colorings to the map. However, there is rubbing throughout with the most effected area being Manchuria (see photo). Details are crisp. Less than expected soiling, a slight indentation in the ocean of the southern hemisphere, about 0.5 inch long. The mount is in very good condition, no cracks or rust. Please see pictures for details.
The age of the Globe has been determined by the political borders displayed, which are as follows:
Europe is shown pre WWII. Austria has not yet been annexed by Germany (1938) and is shown as an independent country. Istanbul is no longer shown in its old name, Constantinople (1930).
Middle East-Asia:
Persia has not yet changed to Iran (1935).
The area of Manchuria in China is not yet re-named Manchukuo and occupied by Japan. (1932-45).
Colonies are displayed as follows: French West as well as Equatorial Africa, Angelo-Egyptian Sudan, the Belgian Congo is shown; Italian East Africa, which existed from 1936-42 is not yet visible.
Well packed, this artifact will ship domestic for $24.00. International shipping is $52.00
$499 — Item #: FZ913RMcN30
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