A 1942 World War 2 Airways Aviation Globe with distance finder and advert

A 1942 World War 2 Airways Aviation Globe with distance finder and advert
This World War 2 globe offers existing and planned flight routes as of 1942 in addition to a time measurement guide on the horizon ring to calculate flight time of a route (based on an airplane speed of 300 miles per hour…which was quite the speed during World War 2 A fine artifact, of interest to any WW2 Aviation historian or Globe novelty Aficionado.
More Information
This World War 2 globe offers existing and planned flight routes as of 1942 in addition to a time measurement guide on the horizon ring to calculate flight time of a route (based on an airplane speed of 300 miles per hour).
We would also like to point out the material the base is made of, not wood or metal, but pressed cardboard. A classic display of a manufacture\’s ingenuity. During war time metal was needed for the war effort and therefore scarce. This pressed cardboard base is certainly a unique substitute. Unusual and cost effective when produced. However, due to its fragility not many of these can be found today. This model has been surprisingly well maintained.
We will also include a facsimile of the original AIRLINE advert which, according to Replogle, tells at a glance the mileage of important air centers all over the world. (The original is part of our archive).
No matter if your interest lies in WW2, Flight History or globe collecting, this unusual object with document would be a great addition to any collection!
The orb is of pasteboard, representing a map of c 1940, including existing and suggested aviation routes. The sphere is removable from the cradle style pasteboard base .
The horizon ring of the base identifies miles, hours of flight time, information of the wind system in addition to atmosphere and much more. The base is entirely made of several layers of pressed pasteboard with a \”wood grain\” finished print. The globe has a diameter of 10 inches and a total height of 15.5 inches.
Overall very well preserved. Some soiling and scuffing throughout, details are crisp colors exceptionally vivd.
The age of the artifact is based on political borders displayed, which are as follows:
Germany has expanded in Europe, annexed Austria and occupied former Czechoslovakia (1939).
Italian East Africa is no longer visible (1936-41). Israel has not yet replaced Palestine (1948). Manchuria in China is occupied by Japan and re-named Manchuokuo (1932-45).
Well packed this unusual artifact will ship domestic for $15.00, $48 world wide.
$299 — Item #: 314AIRWAY42