Elegant 1930 Regency styled Barowe Floor globe with unusual map application

Elegant 1930 Regency styled Barowe Floor globe with unusual map application
Made by Rand McNally for Barowe Inc of Chicago, the Globe has been produced in a very unusual matter. Rather than consisting of 12 individual, hand applied paper gores (strips), this model features 18 gores, by that demonstrating exquisite globe making skills of the past.
A world of desperate times is identified, as the crash of the stock market in 1929 has destroyed economies and brought poverty within developed nations. 1930 is a year prior to the occupation of the Manchurian Region in China by the Japanese Empire (1931-45) yet the little known State of Central Australia is still visible (1926-31).
The exceptionally detailed map shares popular shipping routes with distance nautical miles. Imperial Powers are well documented as Colonies in Africa and an Indian Empire are to be viewed. Saudi Arabia has yet to be established (1932) and in Europe the newly created USSR has yet to absorb Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
The Barowe label is an overlay over the Rand McNally cartouche. This partnership was not to last as globe maker Crams obtained the contract to produce Globes for Barowe within the next two years.
History of the Globe Maker Rand McNally:
William Rand opens his first print shop in 1856, hires McNally, an Irish Immigrant, in 1858. In 1868, the two establish a partnership and the name Rand McNally & Co. As a print shop they produce the newspaper for the Chicago Tribune as well as timetables, travel guides and tickets for the fast growing railroad industry.
In 1872, the company pioneered cerography, an innovative wax-engraving print technique, enabling to follow world changes in print quickly and more economically. As a result, event though not having made globes themselves until 1880, by the end of the late 1800’s Rand McNally produced globe gores not just for their own models, but for many of the other Chicago Globe makers. Rand McNally is best known for their travel maps but also still produces globes to this day, mainly for the educational market.
The artifact consist of a 12 inch diameter plaster orb, covered by 18 individual, hand-applied paper gores representing a map of 1930. Mounted into a cast metal, numeric full meridian and cradled in a wooden stand with 4 elegant baluster turned legs, this model has a total height of about 3 feet and total width of 18 inches. A perfect size to place next to a reading chair, ensuring hours of entertainment.
Well preserved, with a perfectly aged but slightly un-even patina, the map is crisp and detailed. The base is also in fine condition, with minimal wear in form of scratch marks.
An elegant piece of history!
Securely packed, this artifact will ship in two boxes. Domestic shipping is $68.00, please inquire for international.
$595 — Item #: FZ713BAROW30 - SOLD
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